Training standards

& USI Information

rho icon

Registered training organisation No: 32005

Accredited Training and Assessment in:

  • AVIF0038 Undertake aircraft underwater escape and survival
  • AVIF0039 Utilise emergency breathing system

Assessment in:

  • AVI40119 Certificate IV in Aviation (Air Crew Officer)
  • AVI30519 Certificate III in Aviation (Rescue Crew Officer)

The Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo is produced by the Australian Government, and is used as a mark of quality for vocational education and training. The NRT logo is used by RHO Aviation on all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Statements of Attainment. The NRT logo will always be accompanied by the course name and code of the Unit of Competency achieved under the AQF.

By displaying the NRT logo, RHO Aviation demonstrates that we:

• are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
• are registered to offer the training and assessment services advertised
• provide training and assessment strategies that lead to nationally recognised Australian Qualifications Framework statements of attainment
• are an organisation that is complying with the quality requirements of the standards.

RHO Aviation is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), using the AQF as a benchmark for demonstrating commitment to improving our quality of service, delivery and assessment strategies.

The VET Quality Framework is the national quality system that underpins Australia’s vocational education and training sector and outlines the regulatory arrangements in the states and territories. This framework provides the basis for a nationally consistent, high-quality vocational education and training system.

RHO Aviation demonstrates the use of the VET Quality Framework to provide customers with:

• Nationally recognised competency based training
• High quality facilitated learning
• Increased accountability for training and assessment decisions.


USI Information

Click here for further information on USI

A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is an initiative by the Australian Government Department of Industry, that comes into effect on 1 January 2015. A USI is a reference number that will give students access to a USI account, to view their training records which are held in the National Vocational Education and Training
(VET) Data Collection.

The USI is available online at no cost to the student. Once a student has registered their USI, it will stay with them for life and be recorded with any nationally recognised VET course that has been completed from 1 January 2015.

All students studying nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training courses in Australia from 1 January 2015 will be required to have a (USI). Training providers must record a USI for all students under Commonwealth legislation and the conditions of registration for training organisations. A valid USI, verified by RHO Aviation, will be required to be able to issue a statement of attainment or qualification to a student undertaking nationally recognised training.

It is free to register a USI, and only takes a few minutes online at An employer may wish to assist their employee through this process. The trainee must provide RHO Aviation their USI when they enrol for Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) to be delivered from 1 January 2015, and RHO Aviation is required to verify that their USI is correct.

Trainees may also choose to provide RHO Aviation with permission to access their USI account. With this permission RHO Aviation will be able to confirm pre-requisite training (for training completed from 2015), assist with updating trainee details, and retrieve a trainees USI if forgotten.

RHO Aviation is prohibited by law to issue your Statement of Attainment or Qualification for NRT unless we have verified your USI. RHO Aviation may accept the trainee’s enrolment, deliver the training & accept payment from the client or trainee, but must not issue the Statement of Attainment until the trainee’s USI has been verified as correct.

Providing RHO Aviation with your USI at enrolment allows us to verify it in advance and ensure that there are no delays with your certification.